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School Meals and Food

The school is a NUT FREE ZONE. NO nuts in anything please.

More and more children are developing life-threatening allergies to nuts. St Andrew’s is now a nut free zone to minimise the danger of any of the children coming into contact unknowingly with products containing nuts or even traces of nuts. We would ask you to be vigilant on this point.


Your child may bring a mid-morning snack of fruit. (Please label the snack container.) Only fruit is allowed, nothing else is permitted.

We belong to the ‘Free Fruit for Infants’ Scheme. Every Infant child (Reception to Year 2) will be given a piece of fruit to eat at playtime' so there is no need to bring a mid-morning snack from home until your child moves up to Year 3. However, if your Infant child wishes to have a fruit snack during afternoon playtime, they are welcome to bring some fruit into school.


When your child stays for lunch you can choose between providing a packed lunch or having school lunches. School lunches always offer a choice of dishes and there is a vegetarian option that you can order. A daily menu is on display in the school hall for the children. 

Click here for an example menu.

From September 2014 the government has introduced universal free school meals for infant pupils. Parents who were entitled to free school meals under the previous system should inform us because these children allow us to access further funds to support your child called Pupil Premium Funding. If you think you are entitled please ask in the Office. Your enquiry will be dealt with in confidence.

If you are sending a packed lunch, please label the lunchbox clearly with your child’s name. Please remember that you cannot use any products that contain nuts (beware of chocolate spreads). Sweets, chocolates and fizzy drinks are not allowed in packed lunchboxes.

Please use this link for lunch ordering instructions when signed in to the Arbor system or app.


297 Chase Road, Southgate, London, N14 6JA

020 8886 3379,