Pupil Premium
Pupil Premium funding is an allocation of additional funding provided to schools through the local authority to support specific groups of children who are vulnerable to possible underachievement. This includes pupils who are entitled to free school meals (FSM) at any one time in the last six years, children who are in care and those whose parents are in the armed forces. The premium is provided in order to support these pupils in reaching their potential. St. Andrew’s Southgate has the freedom to spend the pupil premium money, which is additional to the underlying schools budget, to effectively support the most vulnerable pupils. We are accountable for closing the gap and data will include the attainment of pupils who receive the pupil premium compared with their peers.
- DFE Pupil Premium Overview
- Pupil Premium Statement 2023/2024
- Pupil Premium Statement 2022/2023
- Pupil Premium Statement 2021/2022
At St. Andrew’s Southgate School, we aim to be a school of opportunity and success for all pupils, including, and especially, those who are in receipt of the Pupil Premium. Our pupils eligible for the Pupil Premium are identified quickly so that we can support their needs effectively. The needs analysis for the Pupil Premium is an on–going process through a pupil’s learning journey at the school. We strongly believe that the measures of successful spending should be to raise standards, narrow the achievement gap and broaden the opportunities for the most disadvantaged pupils at our school.
We aim to personalise the learning and support that we offer for pupils who are eligible for Pupil Premium Funding. We recognise that it is not just academic barriers that children have to learning. Therefore, our strategy for improvement looks at the academic, engagement and enrichment barriers to learning and how we aim to overcome these barriers for these children. Some of the ways we aim to spend the funding are:
- To enhance oral language skills.
- Address SEMH concerns.
- Increase basic literacy and numeracy skills.
- Offer increased reading opportunities via reading books matched to phonics and reading for pleasure.
- Ensure children have access to targeted high quality adult support through targeted intervention programmes.
We will also facilitate a wide range of enrichment experiences both in and out of school, which will positively impact on their academic achievement and well-being.
Termly Pupil Progress meetings are held to identify specific issues amongst pupil premium children and interventions are discussed and implemented.
The Senior Leadership Team and Governors have a strategic view of pupil premium attainment and progress and uses this to challenge and evaluate practice.
By the time our Pupil Premium pupils leave St. Andrew’s Southgate our aim is that:
- Pupils' background, ethnicity, socio-economic status or prior attainment pupils does not serve as barriers to achievement.
- The use of Pupil Premium funding is used to improve personal development, welfare and behaviour for learning of Pupil Premium pupils.
- The difference between Pupil Premium and non-Pupil Premium attainment pupils is reduced each year.