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Welcome to St. Andrew's Southgate PTA

It has been a long standing tradition at St. Andrew’s Southgate Primary School for parents to play an active role in supporting the PTA and the events that they organise. All parents are automatically members of the PTA and your support is always welcome, so please do get involved.

The PTA has a vital part to play in helping to improve the school by supporting the staff and children.

  1. It’s a registered charity (1063520), with clear aims about helping the school to advance the education of all the children.
  2. The PTA helps to organise fun events for both children and adults – whilst raising vital money for the school. Current projects include our planned library refurbishments.

While we have a fundraising role, we also try to organise events that both parents and children enjoy and which underpin the inclusive community ethos of our school. Your PTA is always in need of fresh faces and new ideas and we strongly believe everyone has something to offer.  ALL contributions are greatly valued and it is a fantastic way to get to know other parents and play an active part in your school community.

The PTA Committee meets regularly at the school.  Class representatives act as your representatives at the meeting and help to pass information around the parents. Please contact the School Office for details of your class representative.

Please also look out for details of meetings and events via messages from the school office, posters on classroom windows or the PTA Noticeboard in school's reception or contact our Chair - Mrs Pippa Daudre-Vignier - at


The PTA organises a wide array events to enhance your children's school experience and to raise money to support the school.

We rely wholly on parent participation so it really is vital that everyone gets involved to help organise and volunteer to run events.  Highlights of our yearly calendar include the Christmas and Summer Fairs, Movie Nights, Silent Disco and much, much more.  If you would like to be involved, please don't be shy about volunteering, simply let your class rep know, we would love to have you on-board.

If time is an issue, please do remember that there are also other ways in which you can lend your support. Do you (or your family) work for a bank?  Many companies operate £ for £ schemes where employees who help to raise funds for a charity such as St. Andrew's Southgate PTA have the amount they raise matched by the bank.

If you shop online then please use the following website which helps raise valuable funds for our school:

The PTA is great way to be involved in your child’s education and we very much look forward to hearing from you.

St. Andrew's Southgate PTA


297 Chase Road, Southgate, London, N14 6JA

020 8886 3379,