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Report an Absence

Attendance at school is very important and the government published new guidance last year. 

Here are some ways we promote excellent attendance and punctuality:

  • Weekly award with class with the fewest lates OTIS bear -On Time in School award.
  • Personal award of OTIS for the weekend for pupils with most improved punctuality..
  • Regular support for families to help improve pupil attendance.

Absence due to illness

If your child is away due to illness please ring the school to inform us by 8.50am on the day of absence (please select option 1 “to report your child’s absence” and leave a message on the welfare answer machine giving brief details to include your child’s name, class and reason for absence).

Alternatively, you can email recording the above information.

Or use the form below.


Please complete and submit the form.





Upon your child's return to school, if you reported your child's absence by telephone and not sent an email, you should provide a written note  to explain their absence.  The London Borough of Enfield’s Education Welfare Officer checks our registers every term to ensure that a high standard of attendance and punctuality is maintained.

Please avoid using the word ‘sick’ unless the child has been vomiting.  There are strict rules about children who have been vomiting or who have had diarrhoea: they must not return to school until at least 48 hours have elapsed with no symptoms.

The school does not give medication to children unless there are exceptional circumstances.  You must speak to the Welfare Officer if you are concerned.

Please make sure that the school knows where to contact you during the school day, just in case of emergencies.  If your telephone number or mobile number changes - please don’t forget to inform the Office in writing.

Absence due to medical/other appointments

Parents are advised, where possible, to make routine medical and dental appointments outside of the normal school day. Where this is not possible, pupils should attend for part of the day. Please inform us of the appointment, in writing, in advance of the appointment date.

Late arrival , Pick-up and Early pick up

Punctuality is essential. If a child misses the start of the day, they can miss important teaching and vital information concerning the school day. Children arriving late can also disrupt lessons and it can be embarrassing for the child. Good time-keeping is a vital skill which will help our children as they progress through their school life and out into the wider world.

If your child arrives late at school, ie after registration - for whatever reason - then you must enter the school through the main entrance door and report to the School Office so that your child can be added to the school register.

If you need to take your child out of school early, then you MUST -

  1. Inform the Welfare Officer or School office either verbally or via email.
  2. Sign out your child on the tablet in the office.
  3. On your return to school, please report to the office and sign your child back in.

Any children who have not been collected by 15:40 will be brought to the School Office and a telephone call made to the primary contact to establish the pick-up arrangements. A record is kept of all children who are picked up after 15:40.

297 Chase Road, Southgate, London, N14 6JA

020 8886 3379,